Europe Online inaugurates EOL Broadband Shop
Luxembourg, 27 August 2003
Europe Online, Europe's premier satellite broadband operator with capacity on both the Astra and Eutelsat satellite systems, announced today the inauguration of its EOL Broadband Shop, a destination site designed to provide mass-consumers across Europe, Middle East and North Africa with all they need to access, store, display, use and take advantage of Broadband in their homes and small businesses.
The access, hardware and software products will be available across the entire Europe Online footprint, which extends from the UK to the Urals, from Spain and Portugal to Finland and from Egypt to Algeria across the Middle East to Pakistan.
"We have seen that there is a great propensity of Broadband Users once they have downloaded their desired software, music, film, applications, etc to the store, display, and use the digital content on a variety of Broadband Accessories, " declared Europe Online's President Candace Johnson.
"Conversely, mass-consumers who have wholeheartedly adopted and integrated digital technology into their daily lines are not only looking to purchase DVD and MP3 players, DC Rom burners, storage, they are also looking how to economically purchase access to broadband networks, " continued Johnson.
"Now with the inauguration of our EOL Broadband Shop, mass consumers will be able to purchase both access and broadband hardware and software from one destination site all across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
In a first instance, the EOL Broadband Shop will offer broadband access to both its own satellite and terrestrial partners DSL networks, DSL access hardware such as DSL terrestrial modems, satellite and cable DVB-PCI cards and USB boxes and satellite dishes, broadband storage and display accessories such as DVD and MP3 players, CD-Rom burners, television set top boxes and storage discs.
EOL Broadband Shop consumers will also benefit from Digital Premiums including Bandwidth on demand from EOL's File Fetch and Fast Surf services, Video on demand from EOL's Film House, and music, software, animations and games from EOL's award winning digital archive and download center.
"The EOL Broadband Shop is the latest step in our two pronged goal to erase the digital divide between the "have" and the "have not" of Broadband Access and at the same time in contributing to and forcing the trend of convergence between access and content, transport and storage, network and end-user device, push and pull, hardware and software," declared Mrs Johnson. "The fact that we can do it at democratic prices using existing infrastructure and creating an alliance of broadband partners to create economies of scale and give them on to the end-user in all countries across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa makes working in telecommunications today an especially exciting and gratifying experience.
For more information, please contact:
Europe Online Investments S.A. |
Candace Johnson |
Tel. +352 719 785 1 |
E-Mail: cj@europeonline.net |
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